Together, and virtually, we can strengthen our faith & grow in Christ!

*To ensure the privacy and safety of participants, please call the church office, program directors or leaders of these programs for zoom meeting links, IDs and passcodes.


The Good Word | 10 a.m.
Hybrid Sunday School Adult Class. Currently studying the books of Samuel. Generally we focus on two or three chapters per week. Future studies of other books of the Bible will be determined as a class. Contact the church office for Zoom information (910) 483-0121.
Location: Room 405 (or Zoom)

Calvin Class | 10 a.m.
This class is open to all adults and will study “God’s Law Is Love” through Luke, John, Acts, Romans, 1 Corinthians, Galatians, and Colossians.
Location: Rankin Building (beside Fellowship Hall)

G.I.F.T. Class | 10 a.m.
G.I.F.T. – “Growing in Faith Together” is an active, multi-generational class that studies the Bible in detail. Prayer is a vital element of this class. Open discussion allows for all levels of participation.
Location: Activity Room
Get To Know Us | 10 a.m.
Are you a visitor, a new member or just curious about First Presbyterian Church? Join us for an engaging four-session class that delves into the pillars of our Mission Statement. Learn how you can become a part of our mission. September 17th through October 8th.
Location: Room 413


“Alongside: The Ministry of Mentoring Others” with Dr. Garrett | 6:30 p.m.
A short course designed to introduce the process of mentoring to the church, address concerns, and provide guidance for creating mentoring relationships. This is a five session course. Class begins at 6:30 pm. Childcare will be provided.
Location: Activity Room

Click here to view the FPC Calendar of Events.

Feel free to call the church office at (910) 483-0121 for assistance or to have a meeting link emailed to you.